Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Mugabe resigns: Zimbabwe celebrates end of an era

The accusation by former Tory chairman Lord Tebbit came during question in the House of Lords ahead of a new damning report which shows that two thirds of guests on BBC Question Time and Any Questions over the last two years have been anti-Brexit.
The analysis by the Institute for Economic Affairs follows another report by the thinktank Civitas last week which revealed that between 2005 and 2015 only 132 of the 4,275 guests asked to speak on the Today programme about the EU supported Leaving.
Raising concerns about the whether the BBC is producing EU propaganda rather than balanced coverage, Ukip peer Lord Pearson urged ministers to intervene.
Lord Pearson noted: “The Brexit Secretary, Mr David Davis, recently said to me that his job in Brussels is made even more difficult because every time he makes a small advance there he is promptly undermined by the BBC.
, is expected to return from neighbouring South Africa and could be appointed as the new president within hours.Mr Mugabe's shock resignation came in the form of a letter read out by the speaker of parliament.

He pointed out that the BBC has been unable to identify to a cross party group of MPs a single programme it has produced since the referendum which has examined Brexit’s opportunities.
He added: “Is it acceptable that the BBC has not debated the ideas behind European integration and whether they are still valid today?”
Following him Lord Tebbit said: “Quite frankly the BBC has become a supporter of a foreign organisation called the European Union.
“Could he just quietly whisper in somebody’s ear ‘get your act in order’ because they owe a duty of due impartiality.”

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